
eRmmMm... mCm maNe aKu nak muLakan ceRita haRi ni ekK... sebeLum ni aKu mMng takDe mOOd nak upDate bLog wLauPun aDer cTe yg berLegar dLm paLa aKu nih smPaikan NaNi saLu caLL suH aKu tuLis enTry baRu yg aKu janJi paDa dia tiMe aKu ke kL riTu taPi kiRa buRn ek NaNi..hehHHheheHehe... taPi semLm, cTe baRu tu dTg... jeNg jeNg jeNg...
terLaLu paYah uTk aKu oLah seMua yg terSiraT uTk diJadikan suaTu yg terSurat, mungKin hanYa sekeLUmit daRi raSa haTi aKu.... seMuanYa bermuLa semLm, bLe one GuY yg aKu cuBa eLak LaMa dahuLu sMs aKu baLik... kaLo iKut peRangai aKu, foR suRe aKu tak LaYan or eVen jWb sMs dia taPi meMandaNGkan dia keNaLan paTient aKu, so aKu LayaN seKadaR uTk beRbaHasa, haKikatnya meReka teTap tau penDiRian aKu... uTk meNgeLak daRi kaLo2 dia caL, so aKu tePon naNi uTk berBoRak, heHehehe... taPi cTe ni buKan teNtaNg thiS guY...
tgh sYok aKu berboRak ngan naNi tetiBa terPutus, aKu pun caL si dia yg peRtaMa tuh Lak, nk caRi aLasan meLepaskan diRi kuNunNya... seMinGgu dua yg LepaS dia yg perTama ni aDa caL n SmS aku aFteR 3-4 monThs tak conTact aKu, b4 tHat aKu dah peRasan peruBahan peRangai dia Pun... of CourSe menDatangKan peLik bLe dia hiLang camTuh jek... cuMa insTinct aku dah kaTa someThing & aku seKadar keePing quieT eVen maSa dia caRi aku semuLa b4 dia siGn in haRi tuh... boRak n kuTuk cam biaSa gak... but semLm maSa aKu caL, dia ckaP yg dia tgh anTar aWek dia baLik... waHhhhhh... terkeJut beRuk gak aKu maSa tuh, exaCtLy mCm my instinCt Lah... tHen aKu caL naNi n bgTau dia, mMg naNi aDer cKap paSaL benDa yg saMa... heHheHehehehe... aKu pun tau gak, maRah naNi maSih berSiSa Lagi, tak g2 naNi... kekKekekekek...
acTuaLLy aKu peNah bgTau naNi n aDik angKat aKu kat saBah tuh, onCe aKu or dia aDer someOne dLm iDup kiTorNg, gf/bf or tuNang or huSbnd/wiFe... aKu aKan kuaR dr iDUp dia eVen as a fRen cOz aKu kene reSpect huBungan doRng... kaLo doLu aKu uSe to Be his cLose fREn but nOw is her resPonsiBiLity, like i aLways do... aKu jugak paHam haTi seoRng poMpuan... iF i weRe heR, aKu juga taKkan boLeh teRima his xgf yg cKup raPat dgn dia stiLL in toUch dgn dia, shaRe suMe ciTe incLuding his perSoneL Life, aPa guNa dia as His gf riGht??? mCm tuh gak my fuTuRe eHem2 aKan raSa nnTi, nTah saPoLah yg maLang tuh, keKekKekeke...
aKu juga inGat peSan naNi, jgn saMpai tOo oBvioUs cOz naNi takMo aKu di saLah erTikan... kaLo doLu2 kgKadang aKu yg caRi dia n kgkaDang dia yg caRi aKu... so heRe i am, tgh meNarik raMbut dLm tePung, mCm maNe suSah pun aKu aKan cuBa... inSyaALLah, wiSh me LuCk k....
hai Azu
So nice to see u again scribble the thought and the mood and the feeling. I just have a wonderful time reading it after a very hectic life ..
I dont really know and could not guessing either the first one is the real one the one who you really care , but some how the first cut always will be the deepest . even thought that will not be the best if it really materialize.But some how as human being we need some cheering in our life even the cheering are coming from the memories that we have...
Just be happy and nicer to other but in reality be nicer to yourself first...than you will be able to se the world the life without the cloud that we call prejudice..
Menarik rambut dalam tepung is typically of as as a Malay , always thinking of other of what we do , never try to hurt their feeling but at that same time dont want it to hurt our feeling ..., but sometimes its just not possible...the other people just got to the point and going for bluntness.
Nice to see u here again dear , i will always draw a lots of inspiration from it ..
Have a very nice day
wakakkakaka..cam ampesss jekk..tapi hakikatnye masih ader lagi kumbang berke HENDAK kan cuma satu munge jek..so, we go to that one yek, yg kategori kumbang berbunga2 tuh tolak tepi....ermmmm..abgebst kategori apa ek... wakakakakakakakka ampunnn
hai ...u r back...feel nice seing n reading ur comments...
ermmm..its true, the 1st cut will be the deepest but the best thing is we learn something gud from that moment and at least, can lead us to take a few step forward instead of turning back...
and for sure, idup mesti njoy kannn n definitely i will make it...wahahahahahah..
thanks faz n wish u happy always...
err...lupa lak, faz kategori maner lak...wakakakaak ampunn gakk
salam...heheheh..manyak tul nama nani kat situ..ish..ish..sape lah agaknya..weiii pic tu masa kat kelong ke..bila ko amik tak perasan pun...hehehhe..hai faz (ciwah)ileks lah aku pun ada gak close pren cuma tang aku,kami close pren je..bab ati n perasan tu..hehhe..aku berjaya elak kan..mcm mr.f kata be nice to other tapi yg ptg diri sendiri dulu...macam menarik rambut dlm tepung mmg pun kekadang sakitnya tetap kita kan terasa cuma jgn jadi pelita yg sering membakar diri sahaja tuk menerangi yg lain..ko tak paham aku lagi tak paham...kekekekke..ermm faz saya rasa faz aje lah tackle si azu nie..wahahahha...ampunnnnn...
Arzoo, my dear,
Perhaps I’ve gone through life much earlier than you do but by no means can I be better. The only possible thing to suggest is I can tell what it’s all about because the life lane I had passed through those years is meant for others who came later to follow suit.
What can I say; it's a part and parcel of life. One has to go through and ought to personally feel that fine feeling to really understand what is all about. Sometimes it might leave us confused over the reality of the thing, for, we are cut half-way through and not given a chance to understand what's on the other side of it. It would then either leave us forever guessing or getting very good at hypothetical sense on what may or may be not..
I assume you understand deeper than what I have just said. Well, as we go along this life, then we'd realize the bigger tribulations are there waiting for us and once we look back, it would seem so small and by then. And the cycle will go on and on, hence it is only a process to mature us up and eventually to leave us with deeper comprehension of life. The end of the story will come back to how great the Creator is to have us the opportunity to walk on earth.
God Bless
may be right now the most important things for u is about feelings... trust me... in your journey of life soon u will realise that the impotant things right now is not worth the piority given later..
the sooner u relised that.. the sooner u will be a better person..
itulah kematangan
wakakakakakak...berjaya elakkan kunun bab ati perasaan nih...cehhhhh pigidahhh ko nani...wakakakak..lagi satuuu, ko memang tak sayang mulut ekkk, ampessssssssssss ko..
gab and nide... thanks bro..caiyuk caiyuk!!!hehehehe...
aikk........ yg duk tarik rambut dalam tepung tu wat pe aa ,kan dah beselerak ,,nak kene sapu la pulak keh keh...dah takde keje lain ke.
ambik tepung tu wat cekodok pas tu antar la mai kat sni...nak rase cekodok org johor plak....mungkin tak same ngan cekodok blah utara ni he hee..
Tak baca pun (((soal ati tu sape yg tau)
Memang la tak tau hati sendiri kita je yg tau...kalau ati lembu tu tau la ..makan pon sodap..
Hati....kalau cerita kat sape pun soal hati ni....cuma dapat paham je itu pun dlm 60-70% je..yg lebih diri sendiri je yg tau he he hee. Sunyi la ari ni keje sorang2 plak tu..ape yg aku taip ni pun tak tau la...
sendiri tau dah la...itu la persoalan nyer..Soal Hati sape yg tau.
Nak tarik rambut dlm tepung pun tak leh pasai rambut pendek he hee
Abg H
PhEwS !*bLuShEd*
CinTA tIaDa MeStI bErSAMa DaN bIaR sEnDiRi DaRi TiDaK sUkA ( rAtHeR bE aLoNe ThAn UnHaPpY) kAn KaN kAN...
CiNtA dAtAnG dAn PeRgI. lEbIh BaIk CaRi OrAnG yG cInTa KiTa DaRi CaRi OrG yG kItA cInTa.
PeRSoNaLlY tHe SoNg CiNtA bY aMy MaStUrA iS rEaLlY cAtChY.iT rEAlLy MaKeS uP mY dAy OtHeR tHaN sEpArUh MaSa By ThE lImA*wInK*
abg h,
wakakakakakak..ni konpem jiwa kaco keje sengsorng tuh ek...tuh yg cam tak beraper nak paham tuh...kekeekkeek
ya btul, caya lah sean...give me 10... celet2 sean...
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